Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Vacation...part 2

    Friday was another down day.  We tried to fish in the river.  Joe caught a 5 inch bass on his own.  But it was too hot to catch much more.  So, we planned to come back later.  Naps and shopping filled the rest of the day...with a trip across from our hotel to the ice cream shop!

  On Saturday, we decided to venture to the boys could say they had been to Michigan.  We headed to the Warren Dunes State Park...where we had gone in college for Cross-Country camp workouts.  As we pulled into the parking lot...Josh let out a groan at the sight of the looming dune the guys always had to run.   But we soon switched to delight at the sight of waves in Lake Michigan.  It was another beautiful, perfect hot day to enjoy the cool water...a run along the water's edge for Amy...and a family run up (and down) the dune...sand...sand...and more sand...!  It proved to be the favorite out of our 3 Lake Michigan spots...and a true highlight to the trip!

jumping the waves

any chance you can find Jake in this picture...


We ran up the dune...just for Josh

 We finally drew the boys away from the water's edge (with Joe saying goodbye to Lake Michigan..."we'll be back soon, but we live in Indiana")...
   And we headed to the Hesston Steam Museum...for trains!
 The boys chose to ride two different sized trains that traveled the property (for like one and a half miles).
     The smallest train...

And the medium sized the caboose...

  (biggest train is in the background of the medium train...and it used to travel the Brookfield Zoo)

getting the tickets punched

fueling the fire
checking out other things on the property
   Sunday came sooner than we would have liked...still much we could have done.  But we got another fishing trip in Sunday morning...

Then we headed east through the backroads so we could stop at Kelly and Micah Jones' house south of Ft Wayne.  After a quick lunch and time to play, we headed the 30 minutes to Taylor U so we could stop at Ivanhoes.  It was SO tasty!

 And we traveled the final stretch...home...!  Just in time for the swim banquet Sunday night! :)

Vacation...part one

  Grammie and Grandpa graciously allowed us to use access to their time-share!  One was available in South Bend, IN, near a couple of day trips we had planned.  So, we stayed the whole week...why not?!? :)

   Upon arrival Sunday, we picked up groceries and then headed to the pool so the boys could burn off some energy.

   Monday sent us on a hunt for a couple items from stores.  It was hot and humid, but cloudy.  We still set out to play a family game of 18 hole frisbee golf.  It proved to be challenging and fun!
   We were in the area of the South Bend Chocolate factory.  So, we headed there for a tour and some tastes!  Very informative and interesting (and tasty, too!).

   Tuesday...we planned to head to the Indiana Dunes State Park and take in the Lake Michigan shoreline!  A beautiful day...Amy enjoyed a run on the sand at the water's edge while Josh stared at the dunes and recalled camp workouts of past.  The boys played in the sand, played in the sand some more, and played in the water...loving it all.

    Then, we all tackled a run up the dune.

 And we made it to the top...

 Joe demonstrates proper downhill running form!

 And I pause to take in the color and beauty...

 We finally pulled the boys away from the water so we could take a hike on the dunes and visit the nature center...trying to complete some junior ranger activities.  We all learned a lot along the way!
And we finally convinced the worn out boys to say goodbye to the sand and water.  But don't worry...there is still sand in the Tahoe! :)

  Wednesday was a "down day".  We headed to a local skate park for the boys to ride their bikes.  After several heart attack moments (only a mom can experience), we enjoyed the playground and Joe eventually ventured onto the splash pad to cool off in the water. 

Wednesday afternoon, Joe took a long nap.  Jake and I putt-putted and played bocce ball to pass the time.  (Josh sacrificed and napped, too! :)

   Thursday took us to Chicago.  April (college roomie and teammate) planned for us to meet her at her dad's so the kids to swim.  But apparently we didn't think that would be enough water for the day. So, we headed to Chicago early to take in Lake Michigan.  It proved to be cold water on a hot day (so it was almost refreshing after your initial numbing).  So, we enjoyed it.  And we greatly enjoyed the time with Kathy (Joe's age) and April and her dad...clothes, a meal, time together...what a blessing!

watching the sand garbage collectors

 Jake was determined to catch a minnow...

 Joe was sure he had found gold...

my best buddy

 the boys with Kathy