One of our paths of learning the last 2 weeks included the State Fair. The first Tuesday, we journeyed through the Boy Scout area where the boys did some shooting, rope making, and Lego motorized games.
We also wound our way through the makeshift path of a little farm area for the kids to "plant", work the farm, "harvest" and "sell" their crop in various real-life ways that farmers use what is on their farm. In the end they receive pay at "market" and got to "buy" a snack from the shop. It was a great way to actively show kids the overall concept of farms and their importance to what we eat daily. Here are some funny shots from that area.

After some other learning experiences, we spent the evening taking in a rodeo. It kicked off with an incredible tribute to our armed forces and the nation itself through the presentation of the colors and the National Anthem. This was followed by a prayer recognizing our freedoms (particularly the freedom to talk to God) which was appropriately and powerfully done...presenting the gospel message in a simply yet relational way. I couldn't believe this was booming out over the loudspeakers of the fairgrounds. Brought me to tears and what God can use to glorify His name...
Then we enjoyed an incredible rodeo with bucking broncos and mean bulls...and even an incredible display of 2 huge buffalo. (have to tell that story in person)
The next Tuesday of the fair, we followed more paths of learning throughout the fair...popcorn facts, carved cheese, the DNR area with fish tanks, the Clydesdale horses, huge cows, and more. What a fun place to explore...if you like the farm! :)