Friday, November 8, 2013

I must catch up...

 ...I must catch up...I must catch up...

   That's all I can seem to think about these days.  I must catch up with the many things that seem to slip past me each day (on to the next day's "to-do" list that I try not to keep...b/c the days keep slipping by without "to-do-ing" happening!).

   So, here's a brief couple of blogs to catch you up on what has been going on in the last...month!

   Kittens are growing.  They learned how to eat wet cat food.  We weaned them off milk (glad that milk was on sale at the time at Aldi fo $1.69).  They were making too big of a mess in the detached garage ( no time for me to keep that cleaned up too).  So, they were graduated to the barn where they can get out if they want, but it's also probably warmer there, too...since the ground stays warmer as dirt than the slab under the detached garage.
  They are also now eating dry food...that's not even ground up.  So, they are growing well!

And, as far as house the midst of life we managed to finish the much-dreaded staircase railing.  We were able to figure out how to use the original staircase parts to compile the railing we now have in the house.

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