Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Wood, fires, and a toad

 Josh and I spent some time splitting wood over the weekend.  Actually Josh did most of the labor.  But with the hot, humid summer we have had, it was overcast both days which helped a little! (?)

We also were able to burn a bunch of wood that just needed to be burned. 

In the process, a toad was found.  So, the boys proceeded to entertain themselves with the toad for quite some time.  (read that as..."poor toad")  They created a habitat in the wheelbarrow (water, bricks, grass, etc) and played with it there!

"wheeeee..."    Well, Joe's having fun!

an attempted escape

preparing to go down the slide

But the boys had fun and the toad survived...so it's all good!


  1. Toad looks annoyed but tolerant of the attention, kind of like Duchess looked when we used to "play" with her

  2. Yeah, I was surprised it didn't jump out of Jake's hand during the last picture! :)
