Sunday, October 5, 2014

New Challenges

     This month held new challenges for the boys...not just in school. Although Joe learning to read and do addition...and Jake learning to multiply and divide IS a challenge each day!!!

     Both boys set goals for the swim team lapapalooza.  They set their goals high and they worked hard to accomplish them.  And seeing the delight of accomplishment in their faces was a huge reward for me!

     The other new challenge was going out for the first hunt.  We took advantage of the youth hunt weekend last weekend.  Jake was ready to shoot if something came.  Well, several deer came near.
On Saturday, when Josh and Jake went hunting, they saw a fawn that passed about 10 yds in front of their blind. I believe Jake's response was, "Dad, that deer is so close I could kill it with throwing knives!"   Later, a doe came near, but never turned enough for a good shot.   And, then, just as they were starting to pack up in the blind, Jake spotted a mature buck.  So, they waited to see if it would meander close enough, but just as it was about to make a turn for a good shot...something spooked it and it darted off. 
     On Sunday, we all went out for the hunt.  Josh was in a tree stand near us and the boys and I were in the blind.  We didn't see any deer until about 6:30 pm.   The boys remained still and quiet for the next hour as we saw 3 deer come in front of us. One of the three meandered fairly close, but still not close enough for Jake to make a good shot.   Then, a buck came into the area and scared off the other 3 deer...only to quickly move through the area as well.  With dark approaching quickly, we had to call it a night.  But overall, it was considered a successful hunt...having seen 7 deer in 2 days of hunting!

    Jake loved it.  He did state that his favorite part was the face paint! :)
    Joe did a great job spotting and keeping an eye on the deer from the blind!  He whispered a couple times..."When will Jake shoot?"  :)
   Joe and I went and played putt putt while Jake and Josh hunted on Saturday!

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