Sunday, December 7, 2014

Where does time fly?

    I have to admit, I have been a bit of a scrooge to start this holiday season.  Lack of sleep and feeling the onset of stress of "all that has to be done in a small amount of time" will do that to a person. 
    But, task one...getting a tree...proved to allow a relaxing stroll up and down the hills of the great outdoors.  We basically saw a tree we liked, looked for 30 more minutes and came back to the initial tree!  It is still fun to see all the shapes and sizes...and anticipate the cutting of "the one"!  

 Jake collected things to make a "creation" when he got home!
   Joe just wanted to muscle up and help carry the tree to the tractor!

Later...task two...making Christmas cookies!   Jake made Jake Thumbprint Cookies...which have been the favorite so far! 

Well, that's all for now...I better get going...more tasks are calling my name!

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