Sunday, August 18, 2013

Brookville Lake

    With the weather still nice...cooler than average and sunny, dry...I decided our school week should include trips to places outdoors.  So, this week, I chose Brookville Lake (which I had heard about but never been to). 
   In our studies, we are beginning with US History as Leif Ericsson discovers land. Since most of the land was Indian inhabited at this time, I thought it fitting for us to travel the Adena Trace trail on a hike through the woods where Indians traveled in past time with their buffulo.  The trail also took us past an old Indian Mound dated 10 BC. 
   So, we set off...biking back to the trailhead...and then talking about all kinds of things as we walked....Indians, plant growth variation, snakes, birds, the lake, etc.  What a fun way to learn!

Then we headed back to the beach area and decided to go fishing...

 And then, we headed back up the road to the Overlook so the boys could see the dam area and understand the purpose of Brookville Lake...for the whole Ohio valley area! 
A FUN day homeschooling for sure...!!!!

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