Monday, September 17, 2012

The Apple Orchard

  One of our friends passed along some field trips she was planning to take her daughter on throughout the school year.  Twenty five of us (mainly homeschoolers) joined her on this journey to the apple orchard.  It was about an hour drive west and it proved to be an unexpectedly cold, drizzly day.  But we shared clothes and blankets and survived with smiles on our faces.

most of the crew

we began with this gal who shared some info about apples and the orchard's processes

lining up to taste test a fresh apple
we toured the fridge where the apples are stored after picking

he peeled, cored and sliced this apple

the peel was taller than he was in one piece
the slicing was like a slinky
making apple dumplings (which we purchased....YUM!)

applesauce bars for a snack

We took a wagon ride up into the orchard and saw the trees...the strawberry patch, pumpkin and gourd patch, blackberry patch, and more.  Then, we journeyed to the play area, petting zoo area, and the nature trails.  By the time we left, it was definitely warmer.   And it had been a fun adventure!

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