Monday, October 1, 2012

Last week...

 We have definitely been busy...with lots of different things. 

 Here...Josh is talking to Papa (who is down in the cellar) as they try to hook up the piping for the kitchen sink.  Of course, Joe crawled right into the scene and started giving his two cents.

Even though the stove was hooked up, we had problems with getting the right flow of gas through it for awhile.  But we finally got to bake...chocolate chip cookies!!!!

You will probably get tired of seeing this kind of picture.  So, I'll apologize in advance.  But, seriously, I get excited every day to watch the sunrise and the sunset.  These are all sunrise pictures.  I tried to take a couple moon rise pictures the other night with no luck...!  But needless to say, God is amazing...His creation is gorgeous!

  One morning, we found that Daisy's family had stopped for an overnight visit at the Detached Garage Hotel...and had taken advantage of the breakfast bar, too.  Daisy apparently has 3 brothers and sisters.  They are mean.  We trapped 2 of them in the detached garage (jumping insulation and siding while dodging everything else in the way out there...and trying not to break the door frames).  They were very defensive.  A good lesson for the boys in the difference between wild and not wild! :)

So, Joe has learned to skip.  He suddenly showed me this last week.  I asked who taught him to skip and he said "nobody...I just got it!"  And he has...

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