Friday, January 18, 2013

Where does the time go?

  I guess another week has passed.  We have been doing a lot of stuff this week, but I am not really sure what stuff I can tell you about because nothing really stands out.  So, I guess we did nothing!  Really?  Okay, I'll think some more.

  This week...
1. We did school...and felt a little more back in the routine.
    Joe is really starting to show interest in learning and can almost say his ABC's without help.  And that is a huge accomplishment for this busy bodied boy. 
    Jake enjoyed learning about rainbows the last couple of weeks and we finally had sunlight coming through the window so he could experiment with the light, a mirror, and a glass of water.  Both boys enjoyed "making rainbows" all over the kitchen walls and floor.
   We enjoyed a LOT of great books from the library.  I am so thankful for the library!!!!! And Jake enjoyed using his library card to check out some books from the Bookmobile, too!

2. Swim practice...Jake is officially entered to swim in his first swim meet on Feb 19.  He has been working hard on his start off the block.  And Josh says that Jake did half a length of "legal butterfly" the other day.  Jake is motivated to improve.
    Joe continues to enjoy his "swim practice" (his chance to swim while the divers practice at the other end of the pool).  He is watching Jake's progress and plotting his accomplishments in the future already!

3. Joe helped run the log splitter on Thursday as Josh and Jack cut some wood.  Joe was also excited that he got to drive the tractor all by himself (with Jack on it, of course) and back it into the barn all by himself. Personally, I wish I could say I could do that! :)

That's about it.  I won't bore you with the laundry, cleaning, cooking, disciplining, and sleeping! But maybe next week will hold an exciting event or two! :)

Oh yeah...I had the boys help get the tree out of the house.  It proved convenient that we located it right near a door.  I pushed it out while the boys pulled it (Josh was at a swim meet).  Then I figured I would let the boys have fun towing it to the burn pile.  They got creative.  I think they even managed to roll it down the dirt pile hill to get it on the pile somehow?!?!?!!
I figured I would try to burn it while it was dry-er.  So, the boys learned a little about how forest fires spread in the they watched it burn so easily.  :)  But despite the "fun" of it all, they were sad the tree was no longer in the house.

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