Sunday, January 27, 2013

Post Office and Fire Station

  Our friend set up field trips for us to go to the Post Office and the Fire Station. It was a big hit...for the boys and for mom.

   At the Post Office, we learned all kinds of things.  Some of the most interesting are that there are several postal workers who still walk 10 miles a day to deliver mail by foot. 
   Our delivery man drives 105 miles daily to deliver mail on our route.
   Machines that sort the mail can sort 38,000 pieces of mail in an hour. (Greensburg does it all by hand in their office.)
   With the push to keep costs low in the Post Office, the delivery men have to scan their mail before they leave and the machine directs them to how long it should take for them to deliver it.  Then, they have to scan mail at points along their route to prove they are on pace. 
   Those carrying mail for delivery can have 35 lbs of mail in their bag on average.  Their shoulder bag can hold 60 lbs (which doesn't include any packages they might also have to carry). 
   Delivering phone books is a pain!  Especially the large sized ones. Sometimes they have to be delivered over the course of 2-3 days. 

  Our guide was Joe and he took pictures of each of the kids wearing a postal shirt, hat, and bag.  When we get those, I'll add the pictures.  :)

   At the fire station, we were led passed the different trucks.  Each feature of the truck was explained to us.  And the kids got to climb through 2 of the trucks. 
   They got to see a fire fighter suit all the way up (mask, tank and all).  They got to see where the guys sleep.  They got to see how the heat sensor machine works to help identify a person based on their body heat when otherwise not visible.
   They got to lounge in the recliners for a video and see the kitchen/eating area where they cook and eat. 
   Jessi took some pictures.  So, I'll forward those when I get them, too. 

We learned a lot and enjoyed time with friends, too!


1 comment:

  1. While mail scanning services cost money, the truth is that there's a price you need to pay for convenience and having your business in order even when you're away. How long do these services take to process mails?
    Mail redirection service Australia
