Monday, February 11, 2013


   I'm not really sure what's normal.  And I'm pretty sure no one has a real "normal".  But for whatever reason we refer to things as "normal".  And I can assure you that after a year and a half of living a very unsettled life, there are some recent signs of "normal" around here. 

1.  I have been able to go places with the boys....of which they are grateful.  How do I know this?  They say so.  "Mom, thanks for taking us to do..."  Multiple times they say thank you.  :)

2. We haven't worked on the house since Christmas break.    (I'm currently somewhere between "couldn't care less if we ever finished the house" and "really want to finish stuff around the house so that it's not hanging around on the to-do list constantly"!)

3. We made pizza as a family again...!  Jake made his own and Joe made his own and Josh and I made ours.  Haven't done that in a year and a half (after doing it every week). 

4. Spring is around the corner.  So, every chance to be outside on a "warmer" day...we are enjoying the outdoors again.  The other night...after Jake worked on his jumping rope, we took a walk before dark....because we COULD!    Can't wait to do that more often once it's warmer...!

5. I finally had time to change pictures in the frames around the house.  Since 2012 seems like it didn't really happen (it truly is just a blur of working on the house non-stop), it took a bit for us to figure out how old most of the pictures were.  Since I enjoy photography, I enjoy changing the pictures often.  So, 2 years later...they got changed!  Such a fresh view now...

So....I've decided I like "normal"....whatever that means!  :)

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