Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Woody and airplanes...

I want to catch up on the last couple of weeks.  It's been full of "stuff".

Starting last Monday...
  We drove to Dayton, Ohio, to look at an old Ford flatbed truck (with a snowplow and 4 wheel drive) that Josh can use to plow the driveway and to haul firewood.  He's been using the back of the Tahoe for hauling firewood...which the cleaning lady doesn't care for too much!!! 
  The price was right on this we took the trip.  Either way, we planned to stop at the US National Air Force Museum in Dayton. 
  Long story short...we bought the truck...which has been named (after great deliberation and a variety of names).  How much wood could a wood truck chuck if a wood truck could chuck wood?  was also brought up by Jake.  Needless to say, we settled on Woody.  And as you'll see, it is the same color as most of the other vehicles Josh has purchased!

  The Air Force Museum was unbelievable.  We couldn't even pretend to scratch the surface of what was in this HUGE museum.  (If you'd like to get an idea...go to their website and check out the virtual tour!)  So, we will have to make several trips back in order to begin to take it all in.  It was a great overview at least!

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