Thursday, March 21, 2013

"I pray that..."

 Let's just say there's been some disappointments lately.

1. We all had the flu...which has consumed nearly 2 weeks of our lives.  (Josh is on his final stretch...during his "break".)

2. The weather has been FREEZING.  So, we haven't been able to be outside either.  (Snow flurries this morning...followed by a beautiful sunshine.  Yet a mere 23 out...oh yeah...feels like 13!!!!!)

3. Urlacher has been traded from the Bears.  And Joe prayed this morning that he would be a Bear again soon.

And, since I am trying to find SOMETHING positive among all the dreary feelings are a few positives...

We made "shepherd's bags" so we could pack them with figs, pomegrantes, goat cheese and crackers, etc (studying David...) and go on a hike with a snack. It's been too that will have to wait a bit longer.

We've been doing some Christmas gift crafts and artwork...

A package came from Grammie and Grandpa...

Jake felt badly for Joe and how sick Joe was.  So, Jake wanted to buy Joe a little something he could do while he was sick.  Jake wrapped it (after asking Joe what color paper he which Joe said, "Whatever color you'd like to use" politely!)  Jake and I found a paint book that has the paint at the bottom of each page.  And he can paint all kinds of vehicles. 

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