Sunday, March 3, 2013


  Josh did our taxes early this a record breaking 2nd wk of February. (Normally it's April 14th...his birthday!)  So, with great anticipation, we have been adding up in our minds the coaching money yet to be paid along with the tax refunds. many...we suddenly feel we'll be rich for awhile. 
  Of course, in our culture it is easy then to naturally drift into the dreamworld of all we can do to "keep up with society" by buying this and going there and doing that...etc. with all our "extra" money that's coming to us. 

  Don't worry, though. I was brought back to reality in a very gentle, loving way despite my desire to buy this, go there, and do that.  The other day as I finished up the monthly budget, I realized as I punched the numbers that all our "riches" and "extra monies" were going to cover most of our bills and other needs that we need to save for throughout the year...and there wouldn't be extra to splurge on. 
   I may have chuckled out loud as in His gentle voice in my head God softly reminded me of what we really only need...His provision.  How could I see it any differently?

  Each month in the last 6 years, I have seen God's faithfulness.  Each month seems to carry a new level of appreciation for the preciseness of His He stretches me to grow greater faith in His ability to provide. And this month was no exception. 
   So, don't worry...I won't be getting the new phone or going on a vacation or trying to "keep up with the Jones'"...but I'm okay with that.  We have so much more we can do and we can enjoy right here...right now! 

  As I look out the window...His faithfulness spreads across the sky in a beautiful sunset! Oh, how He loves me!

$'s worth it!

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