Tuesday, May 28, 2013

NOthing to Do...

   Well, as the three day weekend approached, we realized we had NOthing scheduled that we absolutely HAD to be at.  Wow, when was the last time that happened?

   So, mid-day Friday we decided to head to Cincy for the Cubs vs Reds game.  It turned out to be a perfect evening...just the right temperature, a full moon rising over the Ohio River, an enjoyable game to watch...!   About mid-game, I took the boys around to the Cubs bull pen area so they could watch a pitcher pitch.  They were impressed with the close up sights and sounds they experienced there. 
   We didn't plan this, but it was Fireworks Friday.  So, after the game, we enjoyed an incredible fireworks display...which made up for not getting to watch fireworks last year with the fire/burn ban!

   Saturday was a work day around the house/yard.  Josh worked on the tree house.  I worked on something (can't remember what now).  And then the boys and I headed to downtown in the afternoon for the Big Wheel Race.  Teams of 6 journeyed 5 miles (20 laps) around the courthouse on adult sized big wheels.  The annual race was begun a couple years ago in honor of Carl Fisher who inspired the speedway in Indy...http://www.indianahistory.org/our-collections/library-and-archives/notable-hoosiers/carl-fisher.
  It was humorous to watch and the boys were eager to try the big wheels out! :)

   Josh had a chance to hang out with some friends in Indy Sat night.  So, he road with a friend to Indy and then the boys and I drove up Sunday morning to pick him up.  We spent the day around Indy (no where near the track, of course)...biking along the canal, running a couple errands, and spending a good chunk of time at a park/playground.  It was a great day to be outside and we enjoyed the time as a family.

  Monday found us back outside working on the yard and the treehouse.  It was a long day of work, but progress was made!

 Jake can read the newspaper now, too! :)

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