Saturday, May 11, 2013

Prepping for grass

   The early part of this week was spent outside trying to prep the yard for grass seed.  After it finally got warmer last week, we had sprayed the grass/weeds in certain areas in order for them to die so we could disc and grade the back more easily.  
   Needless to say, after it was graded, the yard already looked much better without the weed patches, spotting tall growth, bare patches, rock piles, burn piles, etc. Fresh brown dirt was all that we saw.

Joe watches Daddy having fun on the tractor
 I took these "panoramic" shots Thursday morning. We were hoping to plant grass seed on Thursday, but a big thunderstorm (unexpected) during the night dumped nearly and inch of rain.  So, seeding was not an option. 


Unfortunately, Friday found us covered with another inch of rain.  So, it looks like it will be Tuesday before we can possible re-disc it...and Wednesday will be the seeding day!  (Hopefully...if the weather forecast does what it says it is supposed to!)

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