Tuesday, June 18, 2013


 On Flag Day, we were at the Farmer's Market. The Bookmobile (the library on wheels) was there, too. So, the boys acquired small flags after we checked out some books. 
  We were to have our small group over for dinner that night. So, I challenged the boys to make something representing Flag Day as a centerpiece for the counter.  And this is what they created (from Legos)!  Joe's is on the left (with mountains) and Jake's is on the right!

And here is the latest on the treehouse.  The boys can finally enjoy going inside with the rails up.  (Josh used trees from up by the road...that needed to be thinned out for proper growth...for the railings!)  We are still working on a rope ladder for where the ladder is against the tree.  But the boys LOVE it!

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