Monday, June 3, 2013


   So, I had nothing to do today (yeah, right).  But I did find a few moments to wander around the yard.  It was a beautiful day...perfect spring weather...not too hot, not too cold.  So, I tried to think of something I could do. 
   Why not spray weeds? 

   So...I got distracted by the urge to check on the newly discovered mulberry trees.  Some of the mulberries were already dropping all over the ground.  Can't have that waste.  So, I got a bucket and picked what I could. 
   Then I got around to spraying weeds.  And as I wandered the yard, I discovered 2 more large mulberry trees...and a cherry tree.  I can't figure out how I didn't see all these trees last year.  But as I analyzed it all, I wondered if the early and extreme heat we had last year kept the fruit from forming at all.  I am pretty sure I would have noticed the fruit...especially while mowing...since the branches are weighed down with fruit and the fruit evidence is on the ground.

  Regardless, it was fun to find fruit production happening on our trees.

  In other "discovery" news...the boys were excited to find little seedlings growing in their sandbox.  They found it funny and fun b/c they like to get tree limbs off trees and plant them along their roads or army guys or whatever.  Joe laughed pretty hard over the seedlings growing in the sand that is in the back of the dump truck.

  Josh's discovery wasn't as exciting...he wandered to the old barn slab to check out some metal there and found a 3-4 ft garter snake!!!

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