Monday, December 2, 2013

All in a week...

   The senior girls asked me to take pictures of them. So, I took my assistants...they helped me check the lighting before taking the pictures. 
   I thought it was fitting to keep this picture...since this is where they spend 10-15 hours of their week! :)

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    We finally found a day that some friends could come over.  Jake's friend, Aiden, enjoyed the kittens. So, they set up a spot in the garage to play with them. (It was a wind chill of 10 outside!) The boys really enjoyed having friends over...and these two boys are the same ages as our boys.  So, that works really well!

Joe has been building with the blocks...making castles.  So, he keeps asking to take pictures before he has to take them apart each night. 
    I thought Grammie and Grandpa might enjoy seeing Joe as he talked on the phone with them...

     Seeing Kaiden on Thanksgiving Day...

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