Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Jesse Tree, Kittens, and Swimming

   This year for our advent focus I chose to do the Jesse Tree.  I think Joe was more excited at first about putting colored lights on the tree...but now he is enjoying coloring the ornaments (especially Joseph's coat of many colors) and hanging them on the tree. 
   It's neat for the boys to begin to see that their given names have great biblical importance in the coming of Jesus. 

And, in case you are wondering about these guys...they were hovered at the front door this morning...just staring at me through the window.  

Swimming update...We spent the weekend in Bloomington where Josh coached and Jake competed.  Jake did a great job in all of his races.  He dropped large amounts of time in everything...which in part was b/c he could start from a dive off the bulkhead instead of a push off the wall.  But he was very excited to receive ribbons for his work. (at both the other USA meets he has participated in, his ribbons must have been given to other teams...so he hasn't received them)

25 back...11th place 26.82 (1.78 sec faster)
25 fly...DQ-ed for not having his arms come around simultaneously...but swam 28.20 which was 8 seconds faster
50 free...14th place 52.30 (with no flip turn...but 15 sec faster)
25 breast...5th place 31.32 (3 sec faster)
25 free...11th place 22.67 (3 1/2 sec faster)

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