Thursday, January 2, 2014

100 days

 So we got impatient with the pace of covering just one number a day with Joe.  We decided to start counting by 2's each day and then it turned into 5's and then into 10's.  Regardless....we got to 100...before Joe got un-interested! :)

You can tell by the smile on his face that he was proud of this moment!

While Grammie and Grandpa were here, they got to be the school teachers in place of mom. Jake loved curling up with Grandpa to study the maps and information about the Civil War. 
 And Joe may remember what he and Grammie talked about during his week of the letter "G" appropriate with G rammie being his teacher! :)

And this is what happens to Joe when he is tired...he falls asleep anywhere.  (in dad's office at the pool watching a Tiger/Cat video with Jake!)