Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Warmth...and more...

  Monday proved to be 50!   So, as the day moved along, I decided the boys needed to move along and burn energy outside...since they could.  However, you'll see why I thought better of this in hindsight.

   The boys went out and played.  After a bit, I realized I couldn't hear them anywhere.  Time to check on them.
   When I pulled up the blind to start searching, I didn't have to look far.  For whatever reason, they decided to walk into the garden.  Not just "in"...but into the muddiest spot.   Jake was stuck...both boots a good 4-6" down. 
    I looked out just in time to see Joe running back down the hill with a shovel.  Next thing, Joe is trying to shovel out Jake.
    Jake did apply some of his science...and suggested Joe get the shovel under his boot to help pry it upward (like a lever).  And before long, one boot was out.  After about 5-10 minutes, the other was out.  And they were done...ready to come in. 

    Now, of course, momma noticed this and halted them at the outside garage door.  Wasn't gonna have a muddy mess tracked through the whole garage.  Just look at them....

    So, it was warm out.  But once we started stripping them down and running cold water (remember, our well water is near freezing in temperature as it is) over everything...they quickly realized from their frozen hands, that it wasn't quite "hot" out.  In the process, we got everything mostly clean (deciding to just throw Joe's pants away b/c he was already outgrowing them). 

   But momma wasn't really happy in the process.  Talk about a mess.  WOW! 

   Lesson learned?  Hopefully.  Now, I can laugh. 

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