Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tilling Snow????

Yep...we are trying to stay ahead of the warm weather that is to come.  All the snow will melt...and all the water will have to go somewhere. 

At the last thawing a few weeks ago, water collected in the front of the barn...turning into a small ice rink.

So...Josh tilled this morning in hopes of creating a trench for the water to flow down the hill...and not go in the barn.  (It took him a good 20 minutes to get the barn doors unstuck so he could open them!)

At least the warmth reminds us of what spring will feel like...eventually!

Hot chicks

 The boys bought some chicks.  They plan to sell the eggs and make some money to put in savings. 

 Jake picked out some Rhode Island Reds...and he is naming them Penny, Nickel, Dime, Quarter, Dollar, and Money.  (These were mom's suggestions!) :)
Joe picked out some black ones that we can't remember the name of.  He is naming them Blacker, Emma, Danielle, Amy, Caroline, and Fort T.  (Emma and Danielle are names of two of our swimmers! :)

So far...all 12 are still alive.  And they are growing quickly!


We have been watching our icicle friend grow the last couple of weeks.  I took some last pictures this morning.  It fell to the ground at about 8:30 this morning. It will be missed.  But the cold weather won't! :)

JO(e)Y in the snow

   On Saturday, Joe ventured out into the snow.  I'm not sure what he was so giddy about, but I captured these shots from the patio door.  Snow...tractors... it doesn't get any better for him! :)

Sunday, February 9, 2014


   We are doing a special unit of study due to the Olympics.  In our first week, we have already learned all kinds of things about Sochi, Russia,  different sports/events, the original Olympics, etc.

   But of course, Jake, the creator, wanted to do a craft.  After our first day, when we studied bobsledding, he wanted to make a bobsled.  I finally convinced him he could probably just use Legos.  Off he went into the schoolroom to create.  When he came back out...this was what he had to show!

He has since added to the collection of creations with each sport we have studied.  So, I'll have to take a picture of our growing Olympic team.  And...in case you need to know...the bobsled does travel nicely down our HotWheel track! (Joe's idea!)  :)

Joe got a card...

    We go to the library weekly...some times twice a week.  A couple weeks ago, as we were about to leave the library, Joe asked when he could get a library card.  I told him to go ask the librarian because I couldn't remember the minimum age. 
    He proceeded boldly to the counter and politely asked his question.  She responded, "When you are five!"  He said..."Well, I am five right now!"  :)

   He was so excited.  (a step toward being big like Jake is...no doubt)   We went to the main desk and he was able to get a card right away.  
   So, of course, we had to go find a book to check out with his new card!  Would we expect anything other than a tractor book...?  (It actually happened to be one we hadn't checked out before, too!)

 He came home and found his wallet and put his card in his wallet!  And he couldn't wait for Daddy to come home so he could tell Dad and show everything to him! :)

 Little things...