Sunday, February 9, 2014

Joe got a card...

    We go to the library weekly...some times twice a week.  A couple weeks ago, as we were about to leave the library, Joe asked when he could get a library card.  I told him to go ask the librarian because I couldn't remember the minimum age. 
    He proceeded boldly to the counter and politely asked his question.  She responded, "When you are five!"  He said..."Well, I am five right now!"  :)

   He was so excited.  (a step toward being big like Jake doubt)   We went to the main desk and he was able to get a card right away.  
   So, of course, we had to go find a book to check out with his new card!  Would we expect anything other than a tractor book...?  (It actually happened to be one we hadn't checked out before, too!)

 He came home and found his wallet and put his card in his wallet!  And he couldn't wait for Daddy to come home so he could tell Dad and show everything to him! :)

 Little things...


  1. Warms my heart to see this -- reading rocks!

  2. It was precious. He was so confident going to ask. He loves to "buy" books from the library. And he hates returning them. I have to remind him we can borrow them again! :)
