Sunday, February 9, 2014


   We are doing a special unit of study due to the Olympics.  In our first week, we have already learned all kinds of things about Sochi, Russia,  different sports/events, the original Olympics, etc.

   But of course, Jake, the creator, wanted to do a craft.  After our first day, when we studied bobsledding, he wanted to make a bobsled.  I finally convinced him he could probably just use Legos.  Off he went into the schoolroom to create.  When he came back out...this was what he had to show!

He has since added to the collection of creations with each sport we have studied.  So, I'll have to take a picture of our growing Olympic team. case you need to know...the bobsled does travel nicely down our HotWheel track! (Joe's idea!)  :)

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