Wednesday, March 26, 2014


  Last week we were all outside enjoying the warm weather and getting work done.  As usual, the boys ventured around the yard finding things to make believe, create, re-locate, and (yes) tear up. 

  However, as I walked from the barn to the house at one point, I was caught off guard when Jake came striding up next to me casually saying, "So, we put the Christmas tree up!" 

"What?" I thought. And then I gazed in the direction he was looking as we walked.  "Oh, of course" I realized.  And I burst out laughing. 

 The boys had uprighted our Christmas tree (that has been near the big tree trunk in the back yard through the last 3 months) into an already existing hole in their "house/fort".  Later they added the play tent I snapped a picture. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

A rockin good time

Sunday was spent fetching some rock.  Two loads...lots of rock.  Old Woody did a good job hauling such loads.

We got it home and unloaded.  I figured I would wait for a warmer day to work on it.  However, Josh got me motivated to start right away.  And I was able to cross "rock" off my to-do list.  Of course, now I have 3 more places I'd like to put more rock...b/c you just can't have too much.  And it's FREE! (read as ... another of God's faithful blessings through our next door neighbor!)

The DG Project

 So, Friday morning found Amy in the Detached Garage...trying to figure out where to start in emptying it.   Here are some "before" shots...

 Can you find a hammer in here????

Then, it was finally empty...(finally)

 Just wanted to take this picture b/c these are old drawers we hope to take off and reuse.

 So at the end of the day on Saturday, Josh had installed one of the windows. (I interrupted him several times for help with fixing the screen doors...but that just meant I had to caulk as a trade off--since I'm getting to be a pro at that job! : /  )

Then before he left for swim practice on Monday, the second window was installed. 

 God's faithful provisions are everywhere. The latest...
1.Windows from Grammie and Grandpa
2. On Sunday, Jack happened to ask our neighbor (in construction) about metal roofing. And our neighbor has some metal roofing...7 sheets... he'll sell to us for $100.  Turns out we can get more just down the road. We will need 2 more sheets...which alone will cost $110. So, our neighbors "leftovers from a job" (plus generosity in a low price) will save us a bunch of money overall.  We will get the roof done faster.  And it will be cheaper than shingles and felt...along with replacing wood.
3. We needed more wrap for the exterior.  Josh went to buy some today and they are only sold in 100 ft rolls. We need like 40 ft.  So, the nice man at the lumber store that knew who Josh was sent Josh out to the lumber yard to see if there was any lumber wrap from a recent shipment. (the lumber wrap is/does the same thing for the lumber en route that house wrap does for a house...same material, same protection.)  The nice folks at the lumber yard saved us $70 by giving us the lumber wrap for free.

Swing high, Swing lo

 Some highlights on the swingset...

Joe learned how to start himself swinging...all by himself.  And learned to keep himself going...all by himself.  And he climbed higher and higher with his swinging.  He's never been afraid to go high in a swing. He was proud of his hard work!

Jake learned to climb the rope...all the way to the top.  He also learned to climb, hang on, and flip on the bar. 


Other fun

 The boys did a variety of things while visiting Grammie and Grandpa. Of course, Grandpa had to play army with the boys.  Grammie helped teach Jake how to properly crochet (something that some friends recently got him interested in).

 Joe helped scramble his eggs for breakfast. punching with Grammie's oven mitts...

Joe did a fabulous job icing the sweetheart coffee cake. (only licking his fingers once every 10 sec) 

Joe helped mow...or at least walk alongside Grandpa and hold onto the mower.

Meanwhile, Jake was helping pick up sticks in the yard.  However, his approach was a little different than anticipated.  He picked up the big green container and slung it over his shoulder.  And while picking up sticks he belted out..."Popcorn, peanuts."  "Hotdogs...get your fresh, hotdog!"  Quite a sight to see and hear!


 While at Grammie and Grandpa's, we ventured out for a hike on a beautiful day.  We enjoyed the early spring views...with no leaves on the trees...which allowed us to pick out where some original homesteads were prior to the park purchasing the land.

The boys enjoyed seeing a toad...a rather large one that nearly got trampled as Joe scurried upward on the hike.

As we moved higher toward the Appalachian Trail (our destination for lunch), it did get steep.  But the boys carried on and made it to the top successfully. And ate everything in sight.

 Coming down was way faster!  At one point, the boys joined hands and traipsed along the trail. Josh worked hard to catch a picture of it.

And...we safely made it back down.

LOVEly game of football

 I was watching from the kitchen window as the boys played outside. But I thought something was wrong when I saw them standing very close together with an arm around each other.

As I watched, I realized that was their discuss the next play in the football game.  I guess it's hard to huddle with only 2 people.
Carry on...

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

It's STILL cold outside

 Another week...another cold blast of air...more snow...   Ya know, the same old, same old...

So, after watching the Winter Olympics and doing a unit study on all the different sports and the science behind them, Joe seemed to really like bobsledding.
 He came down the stairs last week in his thermal underlayer and said, "I'm ready to bobsled!"

   Monday, after stating his feet were cold, he came back a couple minutes later saying, "I have two pair of slippers."  I was about to correct him by stating that a pair is two slippers...not 2 pair.  But I caught myself with a glance at his feet and realized he really did have 2 pair of slippers on. 

 Jake has been wearing footie PJ's for the first time.  Toasty warm! :)

And this is the norm...watching out the window as it snows...again..!  Wondering when it will get warm enough to go out and play...!  Joe even prayed this morning that it would get hot soon and stay hot for a long time...!  Ironically, Jake thanked God last night for the snow to play in!   Mixed emotions...!

Fortunately, we all still love each other after months of being stuck inside together! :) 


   The boys were asked at church to write down their favorite bible verse and bring it to church.
 So, they set out to the task...and completed it well.

   Joe chose the verse..."Fear not, I am with you." (He is still working on spacing, but he worked on it without asking for help...which is usually what happens.  So, I didn't even get to explain where to write the words on the lined paper. It was his first time to use the lined paper like Jake uses! :))

   Jake chose to write John 3:16...and he chose to write it in cursive...which was a first for a long writing assignment.  He also wrote it from memory.  So, he was proud of his work when he was done! (So was I... :)