Monday, March 24, 2014

The DG Project

 So, Friday morning found Amy in the Detached Garage...trying to figure out where to start in emptying it.   Here are some "before" shots...

 Can you find a hammer in here????

Then, it was finally empty...(finally)

 Just wanted to take this picture b/c these are old drawers we hope to take off and reuse.

 So at the end of the day on Saturday, Josh had installed one of the windows. (I interrupted him several times for help with fixing the screen doors...but that just meant I had to caulk as a trade off--since I'm getting to be a pro at that job! : /  )

Then before he left for swim practice on Monday, the second window was installed. 

 God's faithful provisions are everywhere. The latest...
1.Windows from Grammie and Grandpa
2. On Sunday, Jack happened to ask our neighbor (in construction) about metal roofing. And our neighbor has some metal roofing...7 sheets... he'll sell to us for $100.  Turns out we can get more just down the road. We will need 2 more sheets...which alone will cost $110. So, our neighbors "leftovers from a job" (plus generosity in a low price) will save us a bunch of money overall.  We will get the roof done faster.  And it will be cheaper than shingles and felt...along with replacing wood.
3. We needed more wrap for the exterior.  Josh went to buy some today and they are only sold in 100 ft rolls. We need like 40 ft.  So, the nice man at the lumber store that knew who Josh was sent Josh out to the lumber yard to see if there was any lumber wrap from a recent shipment. (the lumber wrap is/does the same thing for the lumber en route that house wrap does for a house...same material, same protection.)  The nice folks at the lumber yard saved us $70 by giving us the lumber wrap for free.


  1. I foresee a project in my (much smaller) garage this summer if you come to CO...
