Thursday, May 8, 2014

In motion

As you can see from this video, a couple of the high school girls are working with Joe's age. And they have him working on diving off the block.  He has been afraid to dive off the block. (He belly flopped the last time.) So, it's nice that "other people" are working with him on that.

Joe is proud that he is swimming all the way down the pool ! :) It's fun to hear the delight in his voice as he talks about swimming...b/c (as I have to remember) he is finally a part of what we all have been doing in the family.  So, he talks as a participant now...instead of having to be an observer! :)  (big difference...especially in his excitement!!!)

In other news...Jake's baseball team is now 3-0.  Jake continues to improve in all his skills.  He is a good listener...when you tell him to be aware of something...he immediately incorporates that into his game.  So, that's fun to watch.  (And --although it seems minor, I find it important-- he remains obedient in his listening...The coaches have asked the boys to sit on the bench when not batting. When I look in the dugout...Jake is the only one sitting on the bench...legs crossed at the ankles, swinging his legs! :)

He has been hitting well.  Last night, he had a good hit that allowed a double by hitting the ball just over the infield players.  Then he had a few other really solid grounders.  He is starting to be confident in waiting for a pitch (even though they only get 5 pitches).  Needless to say, the constant huge smile on his face at the ball diamonds shows just how much he is loving playing baseball. 

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