Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The last week of life...

 We have had various adventures this last week.  Here's a glimpse...

A rainbow...followed by a double rainbow...
                                 the left side                                                                  the right side

                                                            the start of the double rainbow

looking toward the Miller Farm

Jake had his first baseball game.  His team is the Cardinals (which gets an echoing boo frequently in our house).  He played right field (after only practicing short stop/left field); batted 3 times...making contact each time and getting on base twice; and his team made a come-back victory...11-9! 

 Then...in the nature world...
We have been "growing" caterpillars...watching the process to butterflies.  So, we decided to release the butterflies on Sunday.  We started with 6 caterpillars.  Five of them changed to their crysallis stage, but one seemed to get eaten by the other as it started this stage.  Then, we had four butterflies successfully hatch...one only made it halfway out of its crysallis.    When Joe carried the butterfly house outside, the feeder must have crushed the wing of one of the butterflies when it shifted. 

Thus...we released 3 butterflies. 

And with Cub Scouts...Jake participated in an egg drop.  The kids had to figure out a way to drop an egg 102 ft and keep it in tact.  After talking through his initial ideas and explaining some science concepts, Jake came up with putting package peanuts in a sock with the egg in the middle of the sock.  Then, he wrapped another sock from the other end to hold everything in.  This was then placed in the oats container where he had more package peanuts to surround it.

Here is his practice attempt...
After thinking a little more (because we practiced with a plastic Easter egg filled with gravel...to see if it would open), Jake added a "parachute" using a large Target bag.  The bag seemed to slow the container enough.  So, he felt it might work.

So, Monday night was the big test.  

waiting for his to be taken up

waiting for his to be dropped

checking the egg after the drop
       And the result...a perfect egg.  (They had to crack it in a bowl to be sure it wasn't hard boiled!)
Jake was very excited to watch the other eggs dropped and to see how his idea measured up.  He had a smile on his face the whole time...and later stated he LOVED doing it!

    After days of counting down, this excited boy finally engaged on his newest adventure.  He has been so excited about starting the swim team.  So, after practice I asked if he had fun.  "Yes"  Did you get tired (his biggest stated concern...probably after always watching the big kids practice)?  "Nope"  And, was there anything you didn't like?  "I loved EVERYTHING the whole time!"  :)   Now that he survived the first day...his new focus is on getting a ribbon at his first swim meet in 5 weeks!  :)

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