Monday, October 1, 2012

This far...

   Actually, I forgot to mention the fun that the boys had last week with homeschool activities (outside of the house).  On Wednesday we had the library class. This month was "Fire and Ice (Cream)".  They made volcanoes out of tin cans (on aluminum plates) which they covered with clay (and added a couple plastic dinosaurs).  Then, the baking soda and vinegar concoction was added for the "explosion".  They loved it...Jake was eager to do it again at home.  We haven't yet, but I told him we should do it in the sand box!   Joe did a great job following instructions and actually spread the clay over his tin can very evenly and well.  He was very intrigued by the projector that was used to project a You Tube video on the wall. "How does that work to put the picture over there?"
   On Friday, we went to our friends house where we learned about Living and Non-living things.  I taught Jake's age and up (7th grade) while Joe was with the pre-school group.  While Jake participated very well in his group (very intrigued by the things under the microscope), I got word from several moms that Joe knew his living from non-living very easily and well.  Apparently the moms were going around helping kids, and Joe didn't need help...not b/c he didn't want it but b/c he knew how to do what he was doing and was doing it correctly...labeling each things living or non-living...without hesitation.  :)  Interesting to me...b/c he seems to not care.  But he soaks up so much.  Often times, Jake struggles to remember the next word of the bible verse or something we are memorizing.  Joe often will just casually say the right word Jake is trying to remember while continuing to play.   It's hilarious. 

  Anyway...around the house....things are two steps forward 16 back.  But there is progress.  The kitchen is in full working order...and is being fully enjoyed! Josh has mainly been working on making the stair treads (from hardwood we took out) and making risers.  So, soon we'll have real stairs. 
  We are trying to put the driveway in, but in the process of laying some of the water/electric out to the barn, we found a septic problem.  So, Saturday was spent digging for treasures...the tank, the break, the end of the tile, etc.  Long story short, we were more easily able to find what we were looking for b/c when we bought the place there were indicators of where the tank was and where the line may have been cut by the electric company.  That helped...but it still took all day. 

Enjoy Joe's description...

And this is what we dug out and found...the electric company (prior to us purchasing the house) had cut through the septic line to lay new electric). 

And...the boys (always eager to help) are given the job to measure and put filters in the vents. They were so excited...!  We started Jake on the job, but as usual...Joe listened from a distance and found a way he could help (without being asked).  So, he got vents out of the floor and brought them to Jake. And, of course, he frequently told us where they had come from and how hard the work was that he was doing! :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. We'll have them put together the wedding favors. ;-)
