Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Bass and Bluegills

    It was a prime day for fishing on Saturday.  So, after the soccer games, we gathered the gear and headed to a friend's house to do some fishing. 
   Joe cast his line in...and asked (as usual) "Is this a river?" (When we were in South Bend, he fished in a river and had to keep reeling and casting...which he didn't like for long!)  Before I even finished answering him, he said, "Aw, it's stuck!" 
   Nope...he had this Smallmouth Bass already hooked on his line!

Jake wanted to catch a Bluegill so he could get credit with Cub Scouts for it.  He didn't have to wait for long either.  This little guy hooked right on his line.

 We caught several fish and our friend let us take what we wanted.  We threw some smaller ones back in...and we think we caught one of them several times!  (There was a hole in the right side of it's mouth so it was easy to tell...)
  The fish traveled home in a bucket in the back of the Tahoe and one flopped a few times, but stayed in the bucket! :)  (The boys got a kick out of it after they got over their fear that the fish would get out!)

  When we got home,  Josh had to brush up on how to prep the fish.  So the boys were worried Daisy would get the fish out of the bucket.  (They created traps and covers with their toys to keep her out.)  After dinner, Josh and Jake went out to get the meat off the fish.

making funny faces :)

  I put the meat in the freezer (because we just had fish tacos the night before and that's about the only way Joe loves to eat fish!).  

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