Thursday, September 19, 2013

Fresh applesauce

   This week is Aa, apple, for Joe.  So, I thought to ride our bikes over to the Miller farm to see if they still had some fresh apples. (Our trees are empty.) 
   The boys were excited about the adventure.  Joe counted the hills he had to ride up...making sure I knew how hard he worked and what a great job he did getting up them! :) 

   We quickly found some awesome tasting red apples...!  So, the boys bit in and enjoyed fresh sweet red apples.  YUM!

  And, we found some green apples.  (which are like the ones on our property) And some hedge apples (which Jake proceeded to cut open with his pocket knife...that he had brought in case we found a snake that needed its head cut off)

  We also discovered several persimmon trees (except we had to break off a branch with leaves and fruit so we could identify it at home).  So, we plan to go back with Woody truck and a ladder  next week when some of the red apples are more ready so we can pick more great apples.   (Don't worry, we asked Bill Doles and Bill Finley if it was okay to do this! :)

 Then we came home to make applesauce.  The boys peeled and cored the apples, watched them cook (anxiously) and pureed the mix of cinnamon, apples, and a touch of apple juice. ...And dug in...

  You can listen to the result...

Joe asked if we could make applesauce again the next day... "I don't like the apples, but I like applesauce!"

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