Thursday, September 12, 2013

Experience is everything

  This week has been full of experiencing new things. 

  Monday night found Jake starting Cub Scouts.  He was very excited to go and didn't even want me to stay. (He knew a couple boys from soccer and his leader is a swim/soccer dad. So we know the family.  That helped Jake feel more comfortable for sure!)
  He is eager to work through his book. Lots of great things to learn...and teach Joe! :)

 Tuesday we headed to Conner Prairie to take advantage of the Homeschool discount day.  The boys experienced Prairietown (1816)...Joe's favorites...watching the blacksmith and trying to walk on stilts. Jake's favorites...watching the pottery making (which Joe enjoyed a lot, too) and watching things weighed on the scales.
  Then we checked out the Indian area and the Civil War area (1863-- and where the house that has been brought to and preserved at the sight had several features identical to our house...neat to see).
  Inside the boys made some crafts and then played with some science things dealing with energy (electrical circuits, wind power, etc).  It was a fun day of learning and experiencing things.

Interestingly, on the way home...we left Indy where the thermometer read 99 and we watched it drop to 79 as we traveled through the path behind a storm (that didn't give us any rain, but dropped 4 inches in Rushville in a short time).  It was a hot day on the Prairie...

Today...we were invited to come to North Decatur Elementary (helps to know the principal) to see the StarLab Planetarium.  It was a bubble shaped tent like room (because you enter in and zip it behind you) where the kids could see images of the night sky displayed above them like an IMAX theater.  The teacher could zoom in on the various stars/planets and enlarge them as he talked about them. And there was video of trips to the moon and the current space station in space.  It tied in well with a majority of what the boys have been studying these first few weeks of school.  So, pretty neat...

Here are some of the creations from studying Indians...

Yummy moon phases...

Joe's coloring (needs work) :)
 (better today)

Love Joe's numbers...big and small (who needs boundaries?)

Jake's rocket creation...

A Proper and common noun family tree...

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