Monday, October 14, 2013

Kitten update

    So, the kittens have been growing.  They have been working their way out of their box and are becoming some serious climbers.  We moved the "room and board" out to the barn last week.  However, Daisy has disappeared the last few days...which is very unusual. 

  Yesterday we decided to try to feed the kittens some milk...which is so foreign to them.  But they have started to drink some.  We also moved them from barn back to the garage in fear that Daisy might have been attacked by a 'coon in the barn...and the kittens would be next. 

  So, even as I type this, I can hear them meowing (constantly) in the garage as they are climb all over the garage...even trying to get up to the back door...which one little guy can easily do.

  The video below will show how fast they are even though their walking is still unstable! 

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