Monday, October 14, 2013

The grass was green...not blue

   Jake has wanted to hear some bluegrass music. So, we have been searching for a festival of some sort and thought we would scout out one in Kentucky...just over the Ohio border in Cincy. The festival was located right along the river at a little park with a playground area.  So we got to watch some boats (of all kinds) and even see a couple barges go by...

Joe watches a barge...

   We laughed as the DJ said he was sorry about the weather...because it was the most perfect Fall day to be outside enjoying the weather.   So, we set down our blanket and enjoyed the music...and some card games.

   Now, don't be deceived by this cute little face...he has learned how to play some serious UNO.  (Here he had just played a tough move on Dad!...and then smirked about it!)

  Now, this face is the face of one pondering his options.  He is growing to be the thinker that (like Dad) wants to win with everything in matter how that might make you feel! :)

   The boys wanted to use my camera.  So, we took some we enjoyed the rest of the afternoon!

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