Saturday, October 12, 2013


    There are times in my journey as a mom (a mom of boys, in particular) that I just notice something and have to laugh.  I thought I'd share this one with you.

   I come down in the dark every morning and find my way to the recliner to read my Bible.  I've gotten so used to finding my way to the lamp over the years that I don't think much about it. 
   Well, this week, Joe decided to bring out the army guys and set it up across the end table and chair. And I couldn't help but laugh one morning as I sat reading my Bible and looked up at the end table where a full army was protecting me...high and low, near and I read.
   I felt very safe to say the least!


    In case you didn't notice this with the boys' soccer jerseys this year....their number was their age!

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