Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Three random things

 Last Tuesday we woke up to about a inch of snow on the ground.  I came into the boys' room when I heard they were awake...and I found them peering out the window saying, "Why did it snow?"

Of course, the snow was gone by mid-day, but it was a COLD day to re-adjust to!!!!

 On Tuesday or Wednesday, the last caterpillar formed its chrysalis, so we carefully moved them to the butterfly house.  We are eager to see if they survive and we get to watch a butterfly emerge!


We finally had decent weather on Saturday that allowed us to work on the siding. Jake helped hang the siding (until it got too high). So, with 3 of us working, it took about 3 hours!    Only 3 sides to go! :)

Meanwhile, Joe played nearby with all the bungees he could find...to help hook all kinds of vehicles together. 

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