Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Toes in the water

  While Sunday was a warmer, sunny day, I would not say that it was a great day for a dip in the water.  However, we did manage to get our feet wet on our hike. 

   Josh had a meeting so the boys and I enjoyed the day by going to a nearby state park for a short hike. Well, with all the rain we got in the previous days, the path was muddy.  However, I didn't expect to be cut off by the creek that overflowed making the path impassible in a dry way. 
  So, instead of cutting our hike even shorter, I figured...hey, I have boys and you don't get to do this on every hike.  So...I suggested we take our shoes and socks off and walk on the rocks and through the water to get to the other side (seeing that it would only be a few steps in the actual water). 
  They accepted the challenge. 

   We made it safely to the other side.  Joe did NOT like the ice cold water.  I tried to explain that the cold pain he felt all the way to the bone was what I had experienced all winter while icing my knee.  He didn't seem to have sympathy for me...he just didn't like the cold water.
  We got our shoes on and kept hiking.  But we shortly came to another creek crossing.  Looking at the map we tried to guess how far it was from this crossing to where the path would cross back.  We decided to try to follow a makeshift path for a bit, but ended up taking off our shoes and crossing this part of the creek. 
  However, we couldn't find the path again on the other side. We had even left our shoes off in hopes of not having to put them on and off and on and off.  No such luck.  So, knowing Josh would be done soon...we decided to just barefoot it back to where we originally crossed and then be able to put our shoes on for good.  
  It was at that point that Jake said that this was a fun adventure.  I told him I had hoped he would see it that way.  :)  
  Joe, on the other hand, told us in the car when we picked Josh up that next time he was going with Josh to the meeting...the water was TOO cold!

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