Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Changing the pillow cases

 Last week, the grass was brown. This week, it's green.

 Last week, we still had cool temps.  This week, it's warm.

 Last week, we had Chicago Bears pillow cases on the beds. This week, it's Cubs!

 That's right...the day of the first Cubs game has its annual tradition of being a special day in our house. After starting the day looking for our Cubs shirts (of which Joe's was incredibly too small...so this task required some shifting and trading to find something that fit)...we carried on to the next tradition which is to change the pillow cases. 
Then, this year we made baseball sugar cookies...which were iced and ready to eat just in time for the 2nd inning! :)  The cookies were a big hit...unlike the game's end result. But...another season begins. And this year, the green grass and warm breeze is extra special to enjoy!

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