Monday, February 6, 2012

It's still standing...

Well, where do I start?  How about this...the front door...come on in...
  The gaping hole from the original staircase is filled. In fact, all the larger holes have been filled with plywood. (The only holes left are vent holes.) Yet, I still have that weird "near falling" feeling if my feet shuffle to uneven ground when I'm not looking at the ground.  Amazing how on guard the body is even when you aren't consciously thinking about danger around you. 

  With the original staircase gone, the new staircase (with temporary steps) has been built.  (The boys loved watching this process and are glad to not have to climb the long cold ladder to get upstairs! I think Basil, the coon hunting neighbor's dog is also glad to be able to do his rounds upstairs, too!)

   On Sunday, Jack and Josh successfully jacked the load bearing wall in the south/west rooms, knocked out the original wall, put in a steel beam....and removed the jacks...and the house is still standing.  As a side note, this was the event I didn't want to be at the house for b/c it is so nerve racking to me.  However, I was already at the house when I realized what they were about to work on.  Needless to say, I began praying...constantly...!  And, I didn't feel so good when Jack jokingly said--with sledge hammer in hand ready to knock out the jacks, "Amy, do you have your fingers ready to dial 911?"   Now, since I'm typing this, and you're reading this, you know that the outcome was successful.  Still freaks me out a little, though!

  I have had the "definitely not so fun" job of cleaning...from ceiling to floor.  I have been climbing in the rafters clearing cob webs, insulation, and wasp nests.  And, I have just about finished up sweeping down all the walls in the house.  I notice how different it looks...not sure if it's that noticeable, though! (I'll post pictures anyway b/c I've spent some much time on it!)

  Having such mild weather has really helped with entertaining the boys while we work on the house.  They have found a fun spot near the cellar door to play in the dirt.  Today, I worked for a little bit while they played golf.  Then I played baseball with them before heading back in to work. They played in the dirt for an hour until I was done.  And then we went on an exploration hike in the woods behind our house.  Jake's comment as we left the woods to head to the car..."Thanks for making me tired, Mom!"

Other random pictures...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it IS clean. I noticed before I read that you'd cleaned!
