Monday, February 27, 2012

Can we go to the house after dark time?

   So, Saturday turned out to be VERY windy and much colder than anticipated.  The boys had looked forward to going to the house to work.  But it was so cold and with the roof off, the inside wasn't pleasant either.  Josh and Jack would be working to remove the rest of the roof structure.  So, it just wasn't going to be a good day for the boys to be at the house. 
   Needless to say, they were very disappointed. Joe was especially upset because he had work that he needed to do!?! :)   Before his nap, he asked if we could go to the house after his nap. After his nap, he asked if we could go to the house.  And then at dinner, he asked if we could go to the house after dark time.  I quickly realized he meant "tomorrow morning" (after the dark passes). I told him we'd go to church and then go to the house.  He was fine with that answer and rambled for a couple minutes about the work he needed to do (nailing and un-nailing)
   So, fast forward to after church Sunday.  I was helping Joe change his clothes and he asked, "I don't have to take a nap?" very enthusiastically.  I told him no b/c we were going to the house.  "right now?" he asked...and, boy, was he excited!  He quickly got changed and was ready to work.

  Here are some pictures of how the house looked Sunday when we arrived (the roofing completely removed).

Then, here are a couple pictures after we got the last large truss lifted onto the roof. Yes, it was dark...7:00 pm!  But we were determined to get all 9 up once we figured out how to get them up. Fortunately, Jack is a very determined AND strong man to stand on next to nothing and still manage to pull these up while Josh manned the winch that was helping control the pulling.  Meanwhile, I stood around pretending to help and doing a lot of praying. 


 Now, Monday will be spent placing the trusses...! Hopefully it's less windy than Saturday and Sunday!

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