Friday, February 24, 2012

Now that's for the birds...

   The block is laid for the garage.  Pea gravel (Jake and Joe's favorite to play in) is being dumped and spread...readying for the garage floor.  Soon some garage walls will be going up...which means a roof can go on and the bad roof can be replaced.

  So, with nearly all of the guttering off the house, we now have birds welcoming themselves inside the house periodically.  I'm sure it's the ones whose huge nest (or nests) we have thrown out to the ground while taking off the guttering.  However, we're hoping that all the birds don't figure out how much open space they can take advantage of before we can get the guttering back up.

   Yesterday, it was a fairly warm day.  So, the boys played (and "worked") while we worked--for real.  My assignment was to clean up all the metal, aluminum, and wood that Jack had been pulling off from the guttering.  It took awhile to get the wet wood lit on the burn pile.  And I realized I could smell the plaster and the nasty inside smell as the fire began to burn.  Glad it's out of the house.
   Jake and Joe enjoyed playing on the huge dirt pile with their digger and dump truck.  Then they "helped" me for a bit.  And then they set out to "spread gravel".  On the way back to Mama and Papa's, Jake said, "That was a fun day."  Joe piped in with "Yeah, nobody said they wanted to go home either!" (which was what happened last time we were at the house...after about an hour)

  Today, it was to be warm again.  So, I convinced the boys that we should go back to the they could play in the dirt pile.  (There's a threat of rain/snow and cooler temps the next couple days.)  The boys headed right for the dirt pile...dump truck, digger, bobcat and 6-link chain (Joe found somewhere) in hand.  They were using the chain to help pull out the stuck trucks!
  Meanwhile, my assignment today initially involved a power tool (angle grinder) with sparks!!!!  I was trying to grind off the nails from the hardwood...a slow, tedious job.  But it has to be done.
  The boys eventually headed to the gravel to start spreading it.  But it start to spit rain.  So, they came in and helped hammer out nails on the hardwood flooring.  Notice, I said hammering.  I was relieved of grinding off the nails (which was too tedious for my liking).  I was told to try to hammer them out...which proved to be much more to my liking--and a lot faster!  Plus, the boys could join me...Jake gets the piece of hardwood and brings it to me.  I hammer nails down and Joe helps wiggle them out, drops them in the nail bucket, and Joe carries the nail-free hardwood to put it in the container.  We got a system going for a little bit and it was fun!
  Then, we took a haircut break (long overdue)...Jake, Joe, and Josh got cuts.  Then, Papa let Jake and Joe cut his hair (with no guard on the trimmers).

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