Wednesday, February 15, 2012

More of Joe...

So, here are some great quotes from Joe lately...

--We had gone into the restroom while at church so Joe and I could use the bathroom.  I was washing my hands and heard Joe said, "Hey, Mom, did you put the hat down?"  I said, "Did I put the hat down? Do you mean the lid?" Joe replied from the open stall door as he looked at the toilet and pointed to the lid, "Yeah, did you put the hat down?"

--While at Grammie and Grandpa's, Grandpa commented that he must have slept well because he had snored. We asked Joe if he slept well.  He said, "No, Grandpa was snoring and it kept me awake."  I believe Grandpa quickly said, "Well, did you snore at all?"  To which Joe promptly replied with a very serious tone..."No, I didn't snore. I don't know how to snore!"

--(I'll pick up more in the middle of this conversation with Joe...but we were talking about small group last night.)  Joe emphatically said, "Ally wasn't there!"  I said, "Yeah, I know. Ms. Katie was sick. So, Jack and Ally couldn't come. And Mr Mike had to do some training at work...he's a police officer."  (pause, pause) Joe responded with great purpose in his voice, "He changes DIAPERS?"  Somehow I quickly realized that Joe's only reference to the word "training" must somehow be soley attached to the phrase "potty training".  And I laughingly replied, "Mr Mike is not potty training other workers. Is that what you thought when I said training? (nod by Joe) He's helping teach them about a new job."  Joe simply said, "Oh!"

--"Mom, can I take my flashlight?" (in the car).
   "Well, remember how I told you it's not really something we need in the car."
   Joe tosses up one arm as he says quickly and directly, "But I want to. (pause) I want to have it in case you need help to see in the froggy."  (It is foggy out today!) :)  "I don't want you to hit any other cars."

--We got of the truck and headed toward the store.  Joe says, "What's this store?"  I said, "It's Target." Joe says, "What do we do here?  Do we shoot things?"

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