Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A hiking we did go...

    The boys have been asking for weeks to go on a hike or to camp or anything outdoorsy like that. So, I thought we could catch a hike or two while in Tennessee.  We ended up going to Obed which Grammie and Grandpa had enjoyed a couple weeks prior.
    We started in the boulders area which was a maze of truly large boulders. Although the paths weren't well identified, we were able to navigate without getting lost as the boys darted from spot to spot.  We easily could have spent hours just going in various circles in this area.  But we headed back toward the car after about a mile.   (We were hungry!)

 To eat our lunch, we headed to the Point area where there is an overlook.  The breeze was a welcome relief (along with the periodic cloud cover) since it was a warm day.  We enjoyed watching hawks soar and viewing the river below.

    Next, Grandpa suggested we head down another path toward a newly built bridge over the water.  The boys had a blast dropping things off one side of the bridge and watching for them to "make it" to the other side of the bridge...watching the water carry it onward.  Meanwhile, Grammie, Grandpa and I enjoyed the beautiful setting.

   The boys still seemed to be full of energy (lunch must have re-fueled them). So, we decided to head toward the arches area which was another 1.5 miles.  We figured we could turn around if needed.  Yet, the boys didn't seem to need to stop...in fact, they ran most of it!

  So, we made it to the arch area...and all the way back to the car...in one piece.  When it was all said and done, I figured the boys had easily hiked nearly 5 miles.  And, honestly, they had run at least half of it if not more. They loved it, though, and told me several times along the way!  And that made it all the more fun for all of us!

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