Friday, March 2, 2012

A Picnic in March...and we weren't even cold!

On Thursday, we decided to pack a picnic lunch and venture into the woods behind our house.  We found a nice little spot where the breeze was blocked and we were still in the sun (following deer paths mainly).  It was pretty peaceful...other than Josh's hammering.

Later, Joe found a mask...which he just wanted to wear on top of his head!?!?!?!!

   Then, Joe didn't want to have to leave the house...because he still had work to do.  We found it pretty cute that he was walking around with tools in his hands and a tape measure attached to his coat pocket.  He would hear what Josh and I were discussing (windows) and add his thoughts (using words he had heard us no particular order).

Finally, he told Daddy goodbye and let us head to the library. 

Funny comments...
   We were about to watch the Mater's Tall Tales video which is from Cars 2.  Joe heard them say "Cars 2" on the TV and he turned to me and said..."I guess this is for people that are two."

   This morning Joe was asking about the electricity being off yesterday for the repairman to fix the transformer.  He was very concerned that something dangerous had or would happen.  I explained that the electrician had come to help fix something that was broken so we could have what we needed when we needed it.  Out of nowhere, he eventually said, "I want to be an electricity boy when I get bigger."

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