Friday, March 2, 2012

The race against Mother Nature

   So, as of Sunday night, the trusses were lifted to the roof.  Monday was spent placing them and adding OSB.  Then, Tuesday was spent finishing the OSB...and racing against the anticipated rain coming on Tuesday night.  Thus, our goal was to get the paper on the roofing and then protect the side of the house from run-off into the newly covered part of the house.  This meant we had to add plastic covering to the side of the house and over the roofing as well as the exposed/open south end of the roof/trusses.  Long story short, Jack took of a second day of work and we finally finished around 7:15 pm...just as the rain started.
   Unfortunately on Wednesday afternoon and evening, we got some really strong winds that tore off half the paper on the roof causing Josh and Jack a re-do job on Thursday morning (along with the addition of some 2x6's to ensure they wouldn't have to do it a third time).   Friday morning was spent adding some 2x6's to the east side of the roof since 80 mph wind gusts were predicted.  !!!!

In other news...
   A couple weeks ago we went to the Reigers for a junior high swim team dinner.  After people left, the boys were still in the basement playing with Drew's John Deere tractors, plows, trailers, spreaders, sprayers, planters, etc.  Then, Andy took the boys out to his toys in the barn.  Jake and Joe each got to climb up in this monster of a tractor.  Joe wanted to just sit up there for awhile by himself. I think he was in tractor heaven.  He did ask a few days later when he could go back and help Andy in the fields.
   We've had a tractor near our house that has already been in the field plowing this week.  It's about 1.5 miles down the road but can be seen going back and forth. So, Joe stands in the yard or runs upstairs to watch from the window in the boys' future room.   I look forward to seeing Joe's face when he can sit at the dining room windows or his bedroom window and watch a tractor just feet from our house.

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