Friday, March 23, 2012

It IS spring

   Wednesday the boys and I headed to the house in the afternoon to clean up stuff around the yard (hoping to mow, but we can't get to our mower...and we probably need to actually bush hog it first). The plan was to work and then to build a campfire and cook burgers and marshmallows over the fire.  Needless to say, the boys were very excited...about the campfire!  But they eagerly helped with loading the trailer behind the four gloves and boots on!
   Stop number one in the clean up was up by the road where some plastic bags of tree debris have probably been for years along with some limbs.  I feared snakes if we didn't get to it soon to clear it.  First bag I moved...out came a little snake.  Not a fun way to start since it was a 18" one...."where's your family?".  The boys were interested to see it and didn't seem to let it bother them after a bit. (We all got over our jitters.)
   We added quite a bit to the burn pile (mainly tree limbs that have been cut and stacked various places in the yard and left for who knows how long).  So, parts of the yard look better.  And this was how I discovered the Bradford Pear tree in full bloom on the other side of the barn.
   Then we gathered some of the rocks to build a fire pit and have some seats.  The boys gathered some of the fire wood. And then we got talking with the neighbors before finally getting the fire started.
   It was a perfect evening and the boys were very patient with the wait for their burgers. And they were anxious to roast the marshmallows. Jake's stick had a right angle in it and he kept holding it so the top of the marshmallow was the only browned part.  Finally he figured out why this was happening! And Joe even very patiently roasted his own.  He sat in his little camp chair with his 3-4' stick in both hands with one marshmallow on the end...about 2 feet from the fire. I finally asked is he wanted help and he let me help.
  Over and over the boys said how much fun it was and how they looked forward to doing it again!  So, the first...and many more of the same to come in our new yard!


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