Thursday, May 24, 2012

Done...well, with that part

All of the new windows and doors have been installed in the house.  And, we love how it looks.  The boys are excited about the new doors...going in and out of doors that actually have door knobs and that actually open and close fluidly. 

in the garage...the door from the garage to the house...with the original door and window on the wall now being drywalled.

Kitchen door and window in the back

front door...much better

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Home Depot, a craft show, Home Depot, the park

   Today was a full day for the boys and I.  We started out heading to Home Depot in Southport to see an Indy car and the USS Indianapolis model.  Unfortunately, the Indy car didn't make it, but the boys did get to see the ship model.  And they built stuff at the workshop (Jake a sailboat and Joe a helicopter).  So, it was still time enjoyed.
   Then, we headed to Zionsville to see my college teammate and roommate, Christen, at a craft show.  We saw some amazing hand crafted things...highly creative and well done.  Christen was so busy (which is good) that we didn't get to talk much (which was a bummer).  But we hope to see her soon.
  After that we were headed to Southeastway Park when I got a phone call that we had won a door prize at Home Depot.  I refrained from asking what it was (to know if it was worth the drive back...) but I was actually only about 4 miles away (the call came at a perfect moment).  So, we went.  Joe was asleep in my arms, but Jake was my usual gentleman helper.  We won a which Jake later said what I had been thinking as we stood waiting..."I'm glad we didn't just win one of those lights."  (there were solar lights and interior gold lights, etc).
   So, I put Joe back in his car seat to sleep while Jake and I figured out how to fit a huge firepit box, two bikes, and a cooler/picnic/lunch stuff in the car.  I did it.  The firepit took up the whole trunk, but I managed to fit the bikes in the front seat of my car!
   Next stop, the park.  The boys were excited to bike...especially Joe.  I hadn't been to this park since the last time we'd had a cross-country race there...8 years maybe?  They have paved a figure 8 bike path in addition to the shorter walking trails.  So, the boys did a loop...1.5-2 miles I would guess.  Being Saturday, it was crowded on the playgrounds with a church group.  So, the boys skipped that option. But we looked for frogs, fish, and turtles in the pond and wetland area. (too hot to see any) And knew we would enjoy coming back again to enjoy the trails and playgrounds.
   Onward we Mama and Papa's. We had to shower and get ready for a small group event in an hour.  It was a full day, but I was glad we got to spend a lot of it enjoying the outdoors. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Another round for the sharpshooter

  As we were at the house after dinner, Josh and Jake were on the tractor about to do some work when Josh and the boys came hustling into the garage.  There were two young coons in the backyard and it was only 8 at night (with lots of daylight still).
      Josh got the gun and shot the little guys...who we think are two of the kids from the mom we shot while camping last week.  They are probably so hungry because their mom isn't there to help.  We are hoping that the third young one we saw has left the tree as well. But I'm sure time will tell.
     Now, Joe's re-enactment of Josh shooting them was hilarious.  Josh had to shoot one of the coons a few times.  So, as Joe was telling Mama and Papa about the coon, he ran (darted actually) across the room, dropped to the floor making a "shot" sound, and rolled on his back kicking his arms and legs in the air.  I was laughing at this point because it was so I don't know if he did a second "shot".
     Jake asked why there wasn't much blood. (amazing what TV and books can do to formulate the assumption of a lot of blood in a death)

Coon 1...Trying to show size with my boot in the picture.
Coon 2...who went down easily

boys looking at the dead coon


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Baling hay...

   It's tractor time for sure...!  Today, the guys came to bale in Rob and Papa's fields.  Meanwhile, our neighbor, Mr. Gary, was working in the field to the west.  So, the boys were watching 4 tractors at a time! (Not to mention the tractors passing on the road periodically)

"They're doing a great job, Mom!", says Joe! :)

I'm not four, Mom!

   We went outside to enjoy the beautiful day. The boys had their bikes out so I asked Joe if he wanted me to take off his training wheels so I could help him ride in the grass holding his bike!  "Yep", he said without hesitation.
  After a couple rounds in the grass (where I wasn't really needing to hold him that tightly), I let him go and he did fine in the grass for a stretch.  Then, I had him go on the driveway while still holding him (easier for me, for sure!).  I could let go of him.  So, after a few more confidence building practices with Joe saying, "Can you still help me?"  I had Jake video Joe.

   Toward the end of one of these (out of Jake's video reach), Joe said to me, "Mom, I'm not four.  I'm not four yet, Mom!"   Apparently he remembered that we had said he could probably ride without training wheels when he was four!

   We took some more practice rides. Gradually, Joe started saying, "Can you just get me started?....Okay, you can let go!"  And he would ride no problem for a good stretch both on the driveway and on the grass!  So, I videoed him!

One very proud boy! :)

I love tractors, Mom!

            Josh called to say the tractors were in the field next to our house.  So, I asked Jake and Joe if they wanted to go watch.  Jake flipped a toy (instead of a coin) and Jake won (of course...and (which proves how bored the boys are with going to the house)) so Joe was crying, "I want to go. I want to watch the tractors!"
           Well, Mom knew there was only one option...Joe was going to watch tractors no matter what...and Mom was going to make sure it happened!  Fortunately Mama was home today, so...I left Jake at Mama's and headed to the house. We saw several tractors in the fields on our way to the house. Joe was excited.  And nothing was a priceless as his words as he hopped out of the car at our house..."I love tractors, Mom!" he said in a calm but excited voice!

When we first got there we waited while the farmer was getting everything prepared at the tractor.

 Picture that Joe took as the tractor was coming... we waited...and as he watched the tractor...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

PIcs from the house

 Here is the inside view and outside view of the west side of the house currently.

 Here is the work on the east side of the house...bedroom upstairs, dining room and kitchen downstairs...with new windows.
 ...and the siding almost done (they are finishing this side as I type this).
 And, today, I worked on pulling out the deck and the pool. (Remember the whole part about the snakes and taking a disc to the backyard....I'm serious!)  I got down to the metal and we couldn't pull it out with the 4-wheeler.  So, Jack hooked it to his truck and gave it a pull.  And it came out in one long piece which we'll cut apart.

 So, here is what the "pool area" now looks like.

The Animal Kingdom...or just the Hawkins' house?

     If I had more time on my hands right now, I'd grab a video camera and stake out a place at our house to watch all the wildlife!  Got some good stories for ya from the week...

    So, Wednesday, I mowed...which took 4 hours, I believe.  And during that time, I saw no less than 10 snakes...only 1 of which I knew I had actually killed (accidentally) by mowing over it.  So, feel free to laugh when I say that I did wonder if snakes like to grab onto the mower for a ride after you mow over them.  Yes, I was looking! Trust me! Gives me the creeps!
    Anyway, later, I took the boys to see the one snake I knew was dead.  Jake spotted another dead one nearby.  And the next day, I found two more.  So, I guess that made me feel a little better...but...not necessarily!  Because on Friday, I was pulling some weeds and a toad hopped on my foot.  I bet you heard me scream...I thought it was a snake.  Did I mention I hate snakes????   My solution...find someone with a disc...and disc up the backyard...repeatedly...letting the snakes know that their destroyed homes are not to be returned to since this is our yard now!!!!

 Not sure which day this was, but he boys watched a video from the library which had a "how to make a pig out of play doh" section at the end.  Jake proceeded to watch the instructions, re-watch the instructions and pause along the way to do what it said, and create. 
   Here is the result from his first attempt.
   He wasn't satisfied, though.  So, we added some more play-doh for him to work with.  And mom helped a little (small amount)...and this was his second attempt!
Meanwhile...Joe was trying to kill a fly with the nerf gun!

    Jake found some toads at the house this week.  We've seen some each day the last 3 days.  I don't think I've ever heard him laugh so "giddy-ly" as he did while playing with a toad in a bucket!  I'm not sure if it was a "I like to torcher it" laugh or a "I like to watch what it's doing" laugh.  But I do feel sorry for the poor little toads after he has "played" with them.  Joe is still cautious and doesn't want to hold one (despite having been less concerned in the past).  But, Joe has obliged to "guarding" the toads in the sandbox (Jake guards one and Joe guards the other so they don't hop out of the sandbox)...and Joe seems to not mind that job.  Today, we found one and Joe picked up a bucket, put it near the toad, and said,"Hop in here, toad!" and it did.  Joe proceeded to swing (aggressively) the bucket while heading off to find Jake.   I'm sure the poor toad was like, "when will I ever find a place away from these two boys"?

  Last night, we camped at the house b/c it was a beautiful night.  Just after the boys went to bed, Josh and I heard something in the tree (the dying tree near the family room).  First instinct...a coon.  First instinct...right.  I had just gotten into the tent when Josh decided to shine his light on the tree...and spotted the momma almost down the tree near the ground.  She slowly went back up and found a place to perch halfway.  I held the flashlight on her while Josh went to get Eric's gun from inside.  I spotted 3 kids in the tree with her...up higher.  As Josh came around the house with the gun, momma scooted back up higher to her home...but I found it interesting that the kids continued to climb about.  (Seriously?  Is she selfish...not wanting to get hurt but not caring about her kids?  Or are they just disobedient mine?! :) )  Anyway, the kids were too small for a good shot.  And the mom wasn't coming back out.  So, I went to bed...only to--a few minutes later--hear Josh take a shot.  I wish I could have watched Josh.  Maybe he should have been on a SWAT team...  He hooked the flashlight on his hat so he could see the coon to take the shot...and he managed to shoot the coon right in the hit the ground! (I didn't hear that part b/c I was initially trying to figure out what just cracked in the campfire...and then realized it was the gun!  I haven't been around for any other coon shootings, so I didn't know what the gun sounded like!)   The boys slept through it all.

Jack and Josh had started to cut down some of the limbs this week, but the lift broke down that they were using to get up high enough. (or maybe that was God protecting them from the coons)!

Monday, May 7, 2012

This and that...and a tooth

 Joe enjoys dreaming on a tractor while at a friends house

   Aunt Rachel and Uncle Eric helped us load the scrap metal to recycle it.  Uncle Eric was excited to "chase snakes" (b/c I mentioned that I had seen one while mowing that went under the pile).  ...And he was not disappointed with the 6 or 7 we found. 
   The boys' latest delight...mud puddles, mud bathing, and mud painting!

  It's out!!!!!!! Jake was eating corn on the cob last night and we thought his tooth might come out.  But he shyed away when he saw blood on his corn.
   However, this morning while brushing his teeth...out it came!  And it managed to not go down the drain! :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


  On our way to Tennessee to visit Grammie and Grandpa, the boys and I took the back roads in Kentucky...for a change of pace.  We planned to stop for a hike in BSF Park.  And we had to stop at the Scenic Railway nearby.
   This train is used for passenger excursions, but we timed it a day too early for that.  However, we did get the privilege AND the joy (for two smaller people especially) of seeing a real, live train pass by on the real train tracks right nearby. 

   Later, as we headed to the Interstate after our hike, we also "raced" next to a real moving train as it paralleled the highway.  Oh what fun for two very train oriented little guys!  "Mom, go faster and catch up with it!" "Mom, slow down so we can watch it."  "Mom, where did it go? Oh...there it is! Drive Faster!!!"

Our hike...we traveled off the Interstate.  And we headed into BSF to find a trail.  The trail we found and chose to hike was an Arch.  We didn't know what to expect, but for such a short hike (0.7 miles one way) was a just enough to stretch the legs and gave us quite a sight to see!

   I spotted this overlook area and snapped some pictures from this overhead view of where we had been.

   We walked to the  Overlook and saw this view.  But it was too buggy with gnats to stick around and actually eat!  So, we walked back to the car and ate our lunch in the car!  Real troopers, right? :)

The end of swim lessons...

  The boys had their last day of swim lessons last Tuesday, but the month was very profitable in their learning.  Jake started working on backstroke and Joe started trying to keep his face in and move his arms.
Take a look...