Thursday, May 17, 2012

Another round for the sharpshooter

  As we were at the house after dinner, Josh and Jake were on the tractor about to do some work when Josh and the boys came hustling into the garage.  There were two young coons in the backyard and it was only 8 at night (with lots of daylight still).
      Josh got the gun and shot the little guys...who we think are two of the kids from the mom we shot while camping last week.  They are probably so hungry because their mom isn't there to help.  We are hoping that the third young one we saw has left the tree as well. But I'm sure time will tell.
     Now, Joe's re-enactment of Josh shooting them was hilarious.  Josh had to shoot one of the coons a few times.  So, as Joe was telling Mama and Papa about the coon, he ran (darted actually) across the room, dropped to the floor making a "shot" sound, and rolled on his back kicking his arms and legs in the air.  I was laughing at this point because it was so I don't know if he did a second "shot".
     Jake asked why there wasn't much blood. (amazing what TV and books can do to formulate the assumption of a lot of blood in a death)

Coon 1...Trying to show size with my boot in the picture.
Coon 2...who went down easily

boys looking at the dead coon


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